- Previous Lecture: n/a.
- Pre-Lecture: MTH2003 Complex Analysis Pre-Lecture 1.
- KT Notes: CA Notes for Will (since I missed the second half).
- Flashcards: MTH2003 Complex Analysis Flashcards.
- Next Lecture: MTH2003 Complex Analysis Lecture 2.
What is a Complex Number?
Defined as , where and - often these are called real () and imaginary () parts.
What operations do they have?
This set of numbers, , is defined as a field because of the following operations…
- Addition: , this also implies scalar multiplication.
- Multiplication: .
- Division: Multiply by conjugate ; result scaled by (modulus: ).
What properties do they have?
They have two main properties:
- Triangle Inequality: , .
- Part Separation: , .
However, since complex numbers are a two-dimensional field, they can be plotted on an Argand diagram (x-axis being the real part, y-axis being the imaginary part). This often done in polar coordinates after converting to polar form…
Using Euler’s Formula, , we can convert complex numbers in this form into Exponential Form, . Euler’s Identity is also sometimes useful with related topics: .
Example: Using properties to solve complex algebraic equations
We can simplify this process of finding the roots of complex numbers using De Moivre’s Theorem: . With this, we can then calculate the -th roots of unity, fairly simply:
These roots of unity form a cyclic group under multiplication, generated by a primitive root . The group structure is , where multiplying any two elements corresponds to rotating around the unit circle in the complex plane.
To prove De Moivre’s Theorem for and integer , we use induction and Euler’s formula: