
  • 07:00 - 11:00 Morning Routine (can sleep in slightly).
  • 11:00 - 12:00 Laundry/errands (e.g. groceries).
  • 12:00 - 20:00 Date time (flexible) and/or software development.
  • 20:00 - 22:00 Evening Routine (relaxed).

Morning Routine

Approx. 3-4 hours.

1. Hydration & Activation
  • Drink a glass of lemon water (about 500ml and a squeeze of lemon).
  • Open curtains for natural light.
2. Shower Routine (Gentle water pressure; pat skin dry after)
  • Shave (if needed).
  • Body wash (no sponge).
3. Post-Shower Prep
  • Apply salt spray to damp hair.
  • Blow dry hair (with room temperature air; style as needed).
  • Put on dressing gown.
  • Apply roll-on deodorant (let dry fully).
4. Scalp Care
  • Massage minoxidil into clean, dry scalp (let absorb 30+ mins pre-skincare).
5. Oral & Body Care
  • Brush teeth, floss, and tongue scrape.
  • Apply hand cream (White Company, Noir).
6. Movement & Mindfulness
  • 20-25 min yoga, ending in savasana (focus on breathwork; allows minoxidil absorption).
7. Skincare Routine (Beauty of Joseon; let each layer absorb)
  • Water-based cleanser (single cleanse; avoid over-stripping the skin).
  • Toner serum.
  • Moisturiser eye cream SPF 50+ (face/neck/hands).
8. Nourishment & Planning
  • Mindful breakfast (porridge + berries; no screens).
  • Take Omega-3 supplements.
  • Schedule day’s priorities (time-block tasks).
9. Catch-Up (15 mins max)
10. Final Prep
  • Reapply SPF to exposed skin (face/neck/hands).
  • Get dressed (outfit pre-selected if possible).
11. Outdoor Ritual
  • Walk to café: Enjoy coffee + read book (20-30 mins).
  • Walk to library: Complete Anki/WaniKani flashcards (focus session).

Evening Routine

Approx. 2-3 hours.

1. Transition Ritual
  • Dim lights, play ambient music.
  • Drink herbal tea (e.g. chamomile).
2. Digital Cleanse
  • 10-min inbox sweep (no replies; defer to tomorrow).
  • Enable blue light filter on devices.
  • Enforce screen curfew 1 hour before bed.
3. Pre-Skincare Prep
  • Oil-based cleanser water-based cleanser (double cleanse, remove SPF).
  • Rinse hair/body (at the sink, or quick shower if sweaty/dirty), pat dry.
  • Massage minoxidil into dry scalp (let absorb 30+ mins).
4. Wind-Down Activities
  • Brush teeth, floss, and tongue scrape.
  • 10-min restorative yoga or stretching.
  • Journal: 3 points of gratitude + 1 win.
  • Confirm tomorrow’s schedule; lay out clothes.
5. Skincare Routine
  • Toner serum.
  • Moisturiser eye cream.
6. Final Wind-Down
  • Read physical book or practice kanji (no screens).
  • Silk pillowcase + white noise machine.