Front: What is a ring? Back: A set equipped with two binary operations (addition and multiplication) such that ((R, +)) is an abelian group, multiplication is associative, and multiplication distributes over addition. If there exists a multiplicative identity, it is called a ring with unity.
Front: What are examples of rings? Back: (integers), (rationals), (reals), (complexes), and polynomial rings like .
Front: What is a polynomial ring? Back: The set of all polynomials with coefficients in a ring , denoted , equipped with standard polynomial addition and multiplication.
Front: What is a subring? Back: A subset of a ring that is itself a ring under the same operations as .
Front: State the Quick Subring Theorem.
Back: A non-empty subset of a ring is a subring if is closed under subtraction () and multiplication () for all .
Front: What is a zero divisor in a ring?
Back: Non-zero elements such that .
Front: What is an integral domain?
Back: A commutative ring with unity that has no zero divisors (i.e., if , then or ).
Front: What are the cancellation laws in an integral domain?
Back: If and , then . Cancellation is valid due to the absence of zero divisors.