Question 1

Using the Definition of a Field, we can check if the following are fields…

  1. - not a field as it’s not closed under addition; let such that , which is an even number.
  2. - not a field as it lacks multiplicative inverses; the inverse of is , where if is odd then does not exist in .
  3. - not a field as it lacks additive inverses as it’s restricted to positive only.

Question 2

Using the Definition of a Ring Homomorphism we can test to see which of the following maps are ring homomorphisms, and then find their kernels (values that map to zero).

  1. defined by : Doesn’t conserve multiplication…
    • .
  2. defined by : Conserves operations…
    • in .
    • .
    • .
  3. defined by : Doesn’t conserve addition…
    • .
  4. defined by : .
  5. defined by : preserves operations…
    • .
    • .
    • .

Question 3

Given the following subrings, we can use the Definition of an Ideal to see if they’re ideals:

  1. The subset of given by : isn’t closed under left multiplication…
    • Let and . Then: .
  2. The subset of given by : closed under addition and multiplication…
    • Closed under addition: .
    • Closed under multiplication by : For , .
    • .

Question 4

Given that is a ring homomorphism, we can show that its image is a subring of and its kernel is a subring of as follows…

  1. is a subring of :

    • Contains : .
    • Closed under addition: .
    • Closed under multiplication: .
    • Contains additive inverses: .
  2. is a subring of :

    • Contains : .
    • Closed under addition: if .
    • Closed under additive inverses: .
    • Closed under multiplication: .

We can then also that the kernel is an ideal of

  1. is an ideal of :
  • Absorbs multiplication: For and :