- Recording 1.
- Recording 2.
- Lecture Notes.
- Lecture: MTH2003 Complex Analysis Lecture 4.
- Practical (MTH2003 Complex Analysis Practical 2).
Paths in the Complex Plane
A path connects two points, and , in with a continuous curve:
These paths can be combined (, although this addition is only notation) to produce a single path, as long as the end of the first path is the beginning of the second path. This can be done by finding the path functions (e.g. and ), including their intervals. When integrating, you can then add them.
Example (Combining Paths): Let for (a quarter-circle from to ), and for (a line segment from to ). The combined path is defined by reparameterizing over and concatenating the intervals.
A closed path satisfies (i.e. it ends where it began). Example: for (a circle of radius ).
Every path also has an opposite path such that - essentially just the reverse. Other notation is . Example: If for , then .
A subset is called path-connected if for every pair of points there is a continuous path with and . Open disks are path-connected.
A function is differentiable at if the limit:
exists independently of the path takes to approach . If exists, then all higher-order derivatives exist, and is analytic (holomorphic) on . Analytic functions satisfy:
- Linearity: .
- Product Rule: .
- Quotient Rule: .
- Chain Rule: .
Partial Derivatives & Jacobian Matrix
For , the Jacobian matrix is:
If is differentiable, must represent a complex linear map, equivalent to multiplication by . This enforces the Cauchy-Riemann equations:
Cauchy-Riemann Theorem
Theorem: Let be defined on an open set . Then is differentiable at if and only if:
- exist and are continuous near .
- The Cauchy-Riemann equations hold at :
Proof (Sketch):
- () If is differentiable, compute by approaching along the real axis () and imaginary axis (). Equating results gives and .
- () If have continuous partials satisfying C-R, use the total differential to show the complex limit exists.
Remark: The Jacobian matrix of satisfies . When C-R holds, this matrix becomes , equivalent to multiplication by the complex number .
Example (Verification for ): Write , so , . Compute:
- ,
- .
Thus, C-R equations hold everywhere, so is entire (analytic on ).
Example (Finding Analytic Functions): Find all analytic with .
- Compute partial derivatives: , .
- By C-R: , .
- Integrate with respect to : .
- Differentiate with respect to : .
- Thus, , and . Since is a real constant, the general solution is for .
Key Takeaways:
- Paths in are parametrized curves; combinations require matching endpoints.
- Analytic functions are infinitely differentiable and satisfy C-R equations.
- C-R equations link partial derivatives of real and imaginary parts, ensuring complex differentiability.