Convenience Store |
Given a total due and an array representing the amount of change in your pocket, determine whether or not you are able to pay for the item. |
Change will always be represented in the following order: quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies. |
Example: changeEnough([25, 20, 5, 0], 4.25) return true because: |
25 quarters, 20 dimes, 5 nickels and 0 pennies gives you 6.25 + 2 + .25 + 0 = 8.50. |
This means you can afford the item, so return true. |
Examples |
<br>changeEnough([2, 100, 0, 0], 14.11) ➞ false<br><br>changeEnough([0, 0, 20, 5], 0.75) ➞ true<br><br>changeEnough([30, 40, 20, 5], 12.55) ➞ true<br><br>changeEnough([10, 0, 0, 50], 3.85) ➞ false<br><br>changeEnough([1, 0, 5, 219], 19.99) ➞ false<br> |
Notes |
- quarter = 25 cents / 0.25<br><br>−∗∗dime∗∗=10cents/0.10 - nickel = 5 cents / 0.05<br><br>−∗∗penny∗∗ =1cent/0.01 |