Module Co-ordinator: Dr Helen Christodoulidi ([email protected])

MTH1004 Linear Algebra Question-Based Revision

Course Components

  • Portfolio (40%)
    • Web Assignments (15%)
    • In-class Test (25%)
  • Final Exams (60%)

Current percentage (rounded up): 15%

Learning Outcomes

  • LO1 Formulate the connection between linear transformations and their matrices in different bases.
  • LO2 Find orthogonal bases and complements; find inverses of orthogonal matrices.
  • LO3 Find kernel, range, rank and nullity of a linear transformation.
  • LO4 Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors; apply them to diagonalization of matrices and finding functions of linear mappings and matrices.
  • LO5 Diagonalize quadratic forms by using orthogonal diagonalization of symmetric matrices

Summary Content

MTH1004 Linear Algebra Summary Notes - a comprehensive guide to solve any previously seen questions. MTH1004 Linear Algebra Summary Questions - a compilation of all questions from lectures, practicals, and assignments. MTH1004 Linear Algebra Practice Tests - a list of past, practice, and predicted papers; the latter generated by me.


Optionally, you can take the most important flashcards from here and make them physical for more tactile revision.

MTH1004 Linear Algebra Flashcards - a document full of flashcards to practice key definitions, theorems, and methods; includes an Anki deck of the same flashcards in .apkg format.


1. Vectors

1.1 Vectors in the Plane

1.2 Vectors in Higher Dimensions

2. Linear Systems

2.1 Solving Linear Systems

3. Matrices

3.1 Matrix Operations

3.2 Matrix Rank

  • Rank of a Matrix: Defining the rank of a matrix and its significance in linear algebra.

4. Vector Spaces

4.1 Vector Spaces and Bases

4.2 Dimension of Vector Spaces

  • Space Dimension: Defining the dimension of a vector space and its implications.

5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

5.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

6. Linear Transformations

6.1 Transformations in Vector Spaces

  • Linear Maps: Defining linear transformations between vector spaces.

7. Change of Basis

7.1 Basis Transformation

8. Orthogonal Matrices and Quadratic Forms

8.1 Orthogonal Matrices

Linear Algebra Mid-Term Notes

Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction | Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction (Solutions) | Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction (Cheat Sheet)

Note: Can bring a basic calculator for arithmetic, 100 marks total over one hour.

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix - conditions for diagonalisation.
  • Solving linear (homogenous) systems - , using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
  • Inverse of a matrix, using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
  • Find the basis of a vector space and prove that some vectors form a basis, e.g. given vectors in form a basis.