Module Co-ordinator: Dr Helen Christodoulidi ([email protected])
MTH1004 Linear Algebra Question-Based Revision
Course Components
- Portfolio (40%)
- Web Assignments (15%)
- In-class Test (25%)
- Final Exams (60%)
Current percentage (rounded up): 15%
Learning Outcomes
- LO1 Formulate the connection between linear transformations and their matrices in different bases.
- LO2 Find orthogonal bases and complements; find inverses of orthogonal matrices.
- LO3 Find kernel, range, rank and nullity of a linear transformation.
- LO4 Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors; apply them to diagonalization of matrices and finding functions of linear mappings and matrices.
- LO5 Diagonalize quadratic forms by using orthogonal diagonalization of symmetric matrices
Summary Content
MTH1004 Linear Algebra Summary Notes - a comprehensive guide to solve any previously seen questions. MTH1004 Linear Algebra Summary Questions - a compilation of all questions from lectures, practicals, and assignments. MTH1004 Linear Algebra Practice Tests - a list of past, practice, and predicted papers; the latter generated by me.
Optionally, you can take the most important flashcards from here and make them physical for more tactile revision.
MTH1004 Linear Algebra Flashcards - a document full of flashcards to practice key definitions, theorems, and methods; includes an Anki deck of the same flashcards in .apkg format.
1. Vectors
1.1 Vectors in the Plane
- Vector Representation: Representing vectors in 2D space using components.
- Vector Operations: Addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication of vectors.
- Magnitude and Direction: Understanding the length and direction of vectors.
1.2 Vectors in Higher Dimensions
- Dot Product: Definition and properties of the dot product in various dimensions.
- Angle between Vectors: Calculating the angle between vectors in space.
- Vector Length: Determining the length of vectors in higher dimensions.
2. Linear Systems
2.1 Solving Linear Systems
- Systems of Equations: Representing linear systems of equations.
- Gaussian Elimination: Method for solving systems of linear equations.
- Matrix Form: Expressing linear systems in matrix form for solving.
3. Matrices
3.1 Matrix Operations
- Matrix Addition and Subtraction: Performing addition and subtraction operations on matrices.
- Matrix Multiplication: Understanding the rules and properties of matrix multiplication.
- Inverse Matrix: Finding the inverse of a matrix.
3.2 Matrix Rank
- Rank of a Matrix: Defining the rank of a matrix and its significance in linear algebra.
4. Vector Spaces
4.1 Vector Spaces and Bases
- Vector Space Properties: Exploring the properties of vector spaces.
- Basis Vectors: Understanding basis vectors and their role in vector space.
4.2 Dimension of Vector Spaces
- Space Dimension: Defining the dimension of a vector space and its implications.
5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
5.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Eigenvalue Equation: Solving for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
- Eigenspaces: Understanding eigenspaces associated with eigenvalues.
6. Linear Transformations
6.1 Transformations in Vector Spaces
- Linear Maps: Defining linear transformations between vector spaces.
7. Change of Basis
7.1 Basis Transformation
- Change of Basis Matrix: Finding the matrix to transition between different bases.
- Orthogonal Bases: Exploring orthogonal and orthonormal bases.
8. Orthogonal Matrices and Quadratic Forms
8.1 Orthogonal Matrices
- Properties of Orthogonal Matrices: Characteristics and properties of orthogonal matrices.
- Quadratic Forms: Understanding quadratic forms and their representation.
Linear Algebra Mid-Term Notes
Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction | Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction (Solutions) | Linear Algebra Mid-Term Prediction (Cheat Sheet)
Note: Can bring a basic calculator for arithmetic, 100 marks total over one hour.
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix - conditions for diagonalisation.
- Solving linear (homogenous) systems - , using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
- Inverse of a matrix, using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
- Find the basis of a vector space and prove that some vectors form a basis, e.g. given vectors in form a basis.