Landau & Lifshitz, Mechanics, pages 1-3 and 96. Kibble & Berkshire, Classical Mechanics, 5th edition, page 231.
The module is mostly just heavy mathematics applied to mechanics.
Physical notes in book, too.
Recap of Derivatives
Notation for a full derivative involving …
Notation for a full derivative involving …
Types of derivative…
When differentiating a variable, the other variable(s) are treated as constant:
In terms of …
But what would be the total derivative of with respect to ? Keep in mind that whilst is a variable, it can be expressed in terms of (and hence as a function ). Total derivative = rate of change if all variables can change.
This equivalence is essentially made up of partial derivatives treating each thing as a variable whilst keeping another constant, but ensuring the result still stays in the form . It’s like you’re adding all the changes up for every variable in order to calculate how much change the entire function has, with respect to a single variable.
Note: How do we tell the difference between partial and total derivatives when the notation is in the form ?
This pattern for a full derivatives extends continually for additional variables. Note: What other notation is there in different languages, like French?
(the first term with respect to is omitted, since it’s equal to ) Note: figure out a better way to type partial derivatives in LaTeX - it’s so annoying
Recap of Newton Mechanics
Energy : the sum of the kinetic and potential energy, respectfully.
Kinetic Energy (scalar and vector)… for a particle of mass : for two particles of masses :
for a particle of mass moving along (where everything is moving →, including a unit vector ): , . for two particles of masses moving along (where everything is moving →, including a unit vector ): .
Potential Energy (gravity and spring)… for a mass a distance from the Earth’s surface: . for masses distances from the Earth’s surface: .
for a spring compressed with a change in length : , or if is not given, then it can be calculated by calculating the original length of the spring and subtracting its final length (): .
Generalised co-ordinates and degrees of freedom. By definition, if co-ordinates completely define a position then they are generalised co-ordinates. Often denoted by , where is the index. Equal to the number of degrees of freedom,
For a particle in one-dimension, there is one degree of freedom () since it can only move along one axis, , hence For a particle in two-dimensions (on a plane), there are two degrees of freedom () since it can move along two axes, and , hence . Note: the generalised co-ordinates here are and , but they’re also often denoted simply as and . This allows for higher dimensions than allows - again, this is hinting towards the mathematical nature of this module. For a particle in three-dimensions (in a volume)… you get the idea. Three degrees of freedom () along .
These co-ordinates do not need to be Cartesian, for example they could be polar co-ordinates: in two dimensions, have and hence . in three dimensions (spherical co-ordinates), have and hence . insert funny haha about modelling the physics of spherical horses
These definitions hold for all co-ordinate systems, for dimensions, where the co-ordinate system will have and with . Note that this is for a single particle - for particles, the system would have .
Constraints - particle limitations on position or velocity. Holonomic constraints - can be expressed by the equation , i.e. a function dependent on generalised co-ordinates and time which is equal to zero. If constraints can not be expressed in this way, they are non-holonomic. Note that we focus on holonomic, I assume because of the complexity increase when solving differential equations that are equal to a non-zero function.
For example… a one-dimensional rod stretching between and (hence with length ) can be expressed as and thus as . Therefore we can conclude the constraint is holonomic.
Another example… a two-dimensional rod stretching between and (hence with length ) can be expressed as and thus as . Therefore we can again conclude the constraint is holonomic.
Note: the absence of time is okay, it’s simply equal to .
particles with holonomic constraints has degrees of freedom (): one-dimension: two-dimensions: three-dimensions: etc.
This makes sense extending the logic before, as each constraint restricts the movement of a particle by one “axis”. Remember, the degrees of freedom is just a numerical value of how much the particles can move in a system.